Lunes, Setyembre 23, 2013


Science is a part of our daily life. That’s why during September we tend to celebrate the National Science Month Celebration because science is very useful in our daily lives. We must aware on the things that are happening in our environment. At this moment we are experiencing a lot of problems like pollution which are effects of our bad doings or performance.
My question is, do you really care about nature? Even though we already know what we are doing we still continue it it’s like we don’t care at all. Since we all know that nature is already destroyed or abused. Mother earth is suffering too much that we are suffering too in the reason that we had done unpleasant things. We are living in a democratic country so we are doing what we want that we don’t care about the things that may happen in the future. We are burning plastics even though it is already prohibited we still doing it, cutting of trees, burning forest, throwing garbage anywhere that causes pollution, those were some of the things we were doing on our nature. “Man is a Nature Abuser”. Nature cannot work alone and help itself to recover and return back to its original or normal state. since we still have the time and the chance to help nature, let’s work all together Unravel the Causes, Build the Solution and Empower everyone to action.
Nature provides sufficient to satisfy our needs  
that mean that nature is very important and
very useful in our daily life. Nature
provides our needs in order to be alive and
live longer.  We should take good care nature;
stop our bad performance for a better community.   

Miyerkules, Setyembre 11, 2013


From time to time in our life we meet up 
people that may perhaps transform and influence our lives – a friend, classmate, schoolmate, teachers or even a movie star can create distinction. At the present time every man has his/her superhero in life that serves as his/her inspiration in whatever challenge or problem they encountered throughout their lives. The person whom I considered as my super hero, who had been influenced my life – she basically had the most essential job in the whole world. The person I am talking about is my adorable mother.

I am considering my mother as my superhero; she is my first teacher ever, my friend and a listener. She becomes a fighter for her family because we as a family are the most significant thing in her life. She is a strong women, she is doing her responsibilities as a mother and as a wife as well. She is doing her best she can do. The explanation why I made good quality choices is all because of her. She is always there for me and my family to guide me, giving advice and helping me facing and solving all the problems that I have. She is giving her full support to me, doing everything with her full efforts, sacrificing in order for us to have a comfortable life for our own sake. She had been influenced my life because of her sacrifices for us, she loves me; she cares about me, as the day I was born.

As her daughter I am blessed that God gave me a mother like her for the reason that each one cannot have that type of mother. I am very proud to say that she is my mother that I am a lucky one that I have her as my mother.